
The Big Data Europe coordination and support action (January 2015 - December 2017) carried out the foundational work for enabling European companies to build innovative multilingual products and services based on semantically interoperable, large-scale, multi-lingual data assets and knowledge, available under a variety of licenses and business models.

The action collected requirements for the ICT infrastructure needed by data-intensive science practitioners tackling a wide range of societal challenges; covering all aspects of publishing and consuming semantically interoperable, large-scale, multi-lingual data assets and knowledge. Based on these, the action designed and implemented an architecture for an infrastructure that meets requirements, minimizes the disruption to current workflows, and maximizes the opportunities to take advantage of the latest European RTD developments, including multilingual data harvesting, data analytics, and data visualization.

This infrastructure, the Big Data Integrator (BDI) has been piloted on use cases covering all seven societal challenges set in the Horizon 2020 work programme and has attracted a growing community of users and contributors beyond the original action’s partners.

Visit for the BDI platform or for public deliverables and other details about the Big Data Europe action.